It’s meatless Monday in the Babe Street Kitchen today and were cooking up a storm with these vegan black bean and beetroot burgers. I mean if I’m being honest most days are meatless unless my mate Dildo is cooking up his famous fried chicken.
These Vegan black bean and beetroot burgers are probably my fav vegan burgers I’ve made. They’ve got a great texture ( all bout da texture) and the flavor is banging. They’ll give any meat burger a run for their money.
Why Meatless?
You meat lovers out there might be asking yo self, why make burger night meatless? well I’ll tell you my friend. Not only does agriculture have a huge impact on our environment and helps drive climate change, eating to much meat can also have a negative impact on our health.
To live a healthy life your body needs plants, and plants are cool bro. If your one of those meat lovers that have meat with your meal every dam day try mixing it up with some plant-based meals. I mean no one likes to eat the same dam thing everyday right? if you do you may be a psychopath just saying.
How to Burger?
This burger requires minimal effort and only has 3 core ingredients, Beetroot, black beans, and brown rice. The rest is just herbs and spices mate.

You will need a food processor for this recipe, I haven’t tried to make one without, but it may be extremely hard as you do need to blend the rice so it becomes sticky and glues everything together.
Once you blended all the ingredients up, just make those patties and fry ’em up in a pan. It’s that simple. If I’m being honest the hardest part of the whole process is cooking the dam rice. My mate is super good at it, I however struggle I get distracted and forget about it, I then spend the next few days ferociously scrubbing the pan to get rid of the burnt rice.
How to Rice?
The brown rice is a game-changer, it acts as a binder so your patties stay together and don’t fall apart at the first bite. I hate it when this happens.
Nailing the rice is a real skill, and trust me hunny I still can’t nail it that well, but luckily my mate is real good at it. This is how he does it.
You take a 1 cup of brown rice and 1 3/4 cup of water chuck ’em in a pot and bring the water to boil. Once boiled bring down to simmer and let cook for 45 minutes.
DO NOT TOUCH DAT LID, YOU MAY FEEL TEMPTED BUT DON’T! trust the process and you’ll have beautiful fluffy rice at da end. Once the 45 minutes is upset your self a timer let it stand for 10 minutes.
Build dat Burger…
The last thing you need to do is to stack that burger. My ultimate go-to for a burger is buns (obvs) spicy mayo, spinach, and tomato. Less is more I say and of course, it’s not a burger night without beer and friends.

The next burger night you’re having instead of serving the same ole hamburger, give these vegan ones a go and add it to your meatless nights.
I just realised that this was super long, I got carried way felt chatty. Hope you enjoyed my shit chat if not then well yeah soz.
Hope you enjoy these burgers as much as we do. Give it a whirl and most of all keep on cooking good looking.
Love Char. x
Black bean & Beetroot Burger

Juicy vegan burgers that are good enough to tickle the taste bud of any meat lover. Burger Night Sorted.
- 1 cup cooked brown rice
- 2 cups diced beetroot cooked
- 400 g of black beans
- 1/2 cup of fresh parsley
- 2 tbsp lemon thyme
- 2 tbsp of mustard powder
- 2 tbsp of onion powder
- 2 tbsp of garlic powder
- 2 tbsp of paprika powder
- 1 tbsp Chilli powder/flakes
- 2 tbsp Tomato paste
- 6 burger buns
- shredded spinach
- sliced tomato
- spicy mayo
Depending on what brown rice you have will depend on how quick this step is – I cooked it on the stove – brown rice takes 45 mins this way, or you can get microwave pouches – let rice fully cool before using for the patty.
Dice up the beetroot and microwave on high for 5-10 minutes – if you don't have a microwave cook them in the oven for 25 mins.
Add the brown rice, beetroot, and black beans to a food processor and blitz all together until combined into a dough-like consistency. you may need to do this in two batches depending on how big your food processor is.
Once the rice, beet, and beans are all combined add in the herbs, spices and tomato paste and blitz until everything is fully combined.
Preheat a pan to medium heat with some butter or olive oil. Mold the mixture into 6 or 8 patties depending on how thick you want them.
Cook each pattie in the pan for about 5 minutes on each side or until crispy on the outside and heated through.
Layer up does burger buns, my fav combo is bottom bun spicy mayo, patty, tomatoes, spinach, bbq sauce top bun.
Enjoy with a nice cold beer. I recommend a larger with this one!
- I haven’t included the cooking of the rice or beet in the cooking time. I will usually make the rice well beforehand but if you’re using microwave pouches then don’t sweat it.
- I encourage full creativity with loading up your burgers.
- If you don’t have a food processor or anything these will be difficult to make as the rice blended creates the glue for the patty.
- The nutrition calories is just based on one plain burger and white bread bun this will change depending on your toppings and type of rolls you use.
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Welcome to Babe Street Kitchen where the good times roll, the drinks flow, and the food is always delicious! we love whipping up new recipes, discovering good food around the world, and having a real good time. Thanks for Joining us!