If there is one thing I love its jalapenos and if there is something I love more than Jalapenos it’s HAAAT SAUCE. We’ve becomes so obsessed with chilies we’ve started to grow our own in our little veggie patch. The Jalapenos have just started to bloom so it’s super exciting, we have 5 chili plants so keep an eye out for more hot sauce recipes coming up.
We hit the markets up every weekend for our weekly shops and if you go there late on a Sunday afternoon you can get some pretty mean deals. We hit gold and got a huge box of jalapenos for 5 bucks! so many chilies can only mean on thing HOT SAUCE!

We’ve been experimenting for a while with different flavors, this is the first jalapeno and pineapple hot sauce we’ve made and it’s got a fiery kick to it, enough to knock your socks off.
This time we decided to juice the jalapenos using a cold presser, we juiced about 50 chilies maybe more probably a bit excessive but in this kitchen the hotter the sauce the better!
Juicing the jalapenos really brought out the heat, if you don’t have a cold presser it’s not necessary, you can just cook all the chilies in apple cider vinegar and water and just blitz them in a blender or whatever you have.
We juiced a fresh pineapple, but you can just chuck in pineapple juice or use the blender to blitz up a fresh pineapple whatever tickles your feathers. Onion and garlic are a must, you can add some sugar to counterbalance the heat but the pineapple juice adds sweetness, so we don’t feel the need to add any extra sugar.

The best thing about making a huge batch of hot sauce is you can bottle it up and gift it to people for their birthday, for being a ledge or just because you wanna give your mates some kicking hot sauce.
Every time we make hot sauce we usually gift some to our mates and they’re always stoked because who doesn’t love hot sauce. If your one of those weird people who don’t like hot sauce, force yourself to like it because you, my friend are missing out.

Give it a whirl, it so easy to make, taste delicious, and when people come round for dinner and you whap out your own hot sauce you look like a boss, it seems to oddly impress people that you make it yourself.

And of course, Hot Sauce goes amazing with anything but its the perfect pair with some tacos! Tequila shots while making is definitely encouraged.
Side note we made margaritas on the weekend and added a table spoon of jalapeno and pineapple hot sauce and it was banging. Highly recommend!
bring some heat into your kitchen and keep on cooking good looking.
Love Char x
Jalapeno and Pineapple Hot Sauce

Fiery hot sauce to give your taste buds are real good awakening
- 50 Green Jalapenos
- 1 brown onion
- 1 whole pineapple or 1 carton of pineapple juice
- 500 ml apple cider vinegar
- 250 ml white vinegar.
- 6 cloves of garlic
- Salt + pepper
Chuck all ingredients into a huge sauce pan and let simmer for 45 mins – hour
Blitz everything up in a blender or using a hand blitzer.
Sterilize your jars/bottles by submerging them in hot boiling water for 5 minutes
Pour the sauce into bottles, let completely cool before placing in the fridge
- Juicing Method:
Cold press the jalapenos and the pineapple
Add the juice to the sauce pan add the vinegar, onion, garlic, salt and pepper. Let simmer for 30 minutes
Sterilize the bottles/jars by submerging them into boiling water for 5 minute.
Blitz in a blender to blend the onion and the garlic.
Pour the sauce into bottles, let completely cool before placing in the fridge
- We used a lot of Jalapenos as we love our hot sauces to be super fiery. If you want a milder sauce use fewer chillies you can also add some water to dilute the chillies.
- Warning cooking the chillies will probably choke out your kitchen, the air gets a little hot and spicy.
- Hot Sauce makes great gifts share the love and give some to your mates.
- If you have cold press juicer I highly recommend juicing the chillies it brings out the flavour and the heatness of the chillies.
Welcome to Babe Street Kitchen
Welcome to Babe Street Kitchen where the good times roll, the drinks flow, and the food is always delicious! we love whipping up new recipes, discovering good food around the world, and having a real good time. Thanks for Joining us!