It’s the weekend you’ve had a big week and all you want to do is hang out with your mates and sip on some mother fucking cocktails. I feel yah hunni and these spicy mango jalapeno margaritas will hit the spot. A little bit spicy, a little bit sweet and oh so tasty.

I don’t know about you but I love Margaritas. Honestly the best cocktail out there. The classic is a gem but sometimes you want to get that little bit spicy. As much as the as you love classics, life is way more fun when you take a walk on the wild side every so often.
It’s Margarita time baby..
Making these spicy mango jalapeno margaritas are pretty dam easy, so easy when your half tiddly you’ll still be able to pump them out.
What you will need to make the mango Jalapeno mix beforehand and then from there it’s just smooth sailing.
The most important part Is charring the jalapeno, you can do this over an open flame. Just make sure to not hold the jalapeno with something metal and keep the flame lowish so you don’t burn your hand! Just use your common sense it ain’t hard. Once you’ve got your jalapeno charred chuck it into the blender with you mangoes.
Use FRESH mango’s not frozen, I’m sorry hunni but no one wants a frozen Margie – please don’t be that person. Blitz the mango and the jalapeno together with a dash of water and your good to go.
Once you got your mango mix. It’s just 45ml tequila, 30ml mango mix, 15ml lime juice, 15ml sugar syrup, dump into shaker ice and shake it, baby.

If you don’t have sugar syrup it’s super easy to make, just equal part sugar to hot water. For those who are like what’s equal parts it’s one cup boiling water, one cup sugar, mix until the sugar is melted let it cool.
Margarita tips and tricks…
Slicing and dicing the mango is an art, my friends. To slice glide the knife down the widest side of the mango past the long pit in the middle. Cut both from both sides of the pit and you’ll end up with to oval shape pieces. Then make a criss-cross shape with the knife.
My explanation not doing for yah no worries hunni this video will help you out.
When shaking the cocktail you want to shake shake shake baby. Vigorously shake it for at least 30 seconds. Get your arms working, it’s good tricep workout hunni.. who needs the gym ey?
DOUBLE STRAIN IT! Strain through a sieve as well as the cocktail strainer so it’s super super smooth.
If you can’t be fucked to strain it no worries hunni bee. You could just skip the shaking all together put it into a large vessel and just pour pour pour.
However I do recommend to SHAKE THAT MARGIE.
How to serve your margies…
If you want to make an evening out of it you could serve these margies with these cauliflower tacos.
If you want to be super saucy you could do a boozey brunch at home and serve these mango margaritas with this Mexican shakshuka or these Quesadillas.

Just have fun with it hunni bee, cocktails are a good time, you’re a good time, everything’s a good time.
Keep on shaking it, good looking.
Much love
Char x
Jalapeno and Mango Margarita

Spicy jalapeno and mango margarita to spice up your happy hour.
- blender/nurti bullet
- Cocktail shaker
- 3 Mangos
- Tequila
- 1 Jalapeno
- 4 limes
- sugar syrup
Char the jalapeno over an open flame for a few minutes until it's completely charred, place into a blender.
Prepare the mangos slice and dice and chuck into the blender with the jalapeno. Add a dash of water and blitz until it becomes a liquid.
Juice the 4 limes and get your shaker ready! Add ice to the shaker and then you"ll need 45ml tequila 30ml mango/jalapeno mixture 30ml lime juice 10ml sugar syrup. Then you gotta shake dat shaker! Shake for about 30 seconds. Double strain into a glass of your choice.
Garnish with a jalapeno slice and drink it up, happy hour sorted hunni bee.
- If you don’t like spicey you can omit the Jalapeno though I wouldn’t recommend it.
- Don’t skip the charring of the jalapeno it gives it a smokey taste. You can char it over an open flame on your stovetop just be sure to use a low heat and don’t use something metal when holding it.
- You could make a big jug of this stuff and just pour as you go.
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